There Are Four Key Drawbacks To Using More Than One Broker Obtaining a mortgage for your chosen property in can be very stressful, and if you’re struggling to find a lender, it can be tempting to use multiple mortgage brokers to help you find that elusive home loan. Yet, while this may sound like a …
What Happens When A Lender Decides To Retain Some/All Of The Mortgage Funds? If you’re applying for a mortgage to buy a property, the process can be stressful and complex. So, it can be a relief when you’ve finally found a lender and submitted your application. However, what happens if the lender returns to you …
Appealing To First-Time Buyers, Studios Are Usually More Affordable Than Other Types Of Property If you’re keen to get your foot on the property ladder, you may be considering buying a studio apartment. Especially appealing to first-time buyers, studios are usually more affordable than other types of property. They’re ideal for young professional singles or …
Lenders Today Are Better At Assessing Self-Employment Mortgage Applications Many people with a mortgage on their home in consider remortgaging their property in order to avoid going onto their current lender’s standard variable rate which could be extremely expensive. However, if you’re self-employed, is it possible to remortgage? Fortunately, lenders today are becoming better when …
Many People are Seeking New Ways to Improve Their Chance of Securing a Mortgage Deal The UK is currently going through a cost-of-living crisis, and many people in have found that their finances have been negatively affected. A knock-on impact of this crisis has been a revision of the affordability tests that are used by …
Many Unique Mortgage Products are Poorly Marketed Here at , we see a lot of prospective buyers in who are well-informed about variable rate, fixed rate, and tracker mortgages, but they often remain unaware that there are a range of other options that are on the market to suit purchasers who are buying properties that …
Key workers in are the backbone of the nation, and have provided an exemplary level of service to the community throughout the COVID pandemic, however when it comes to buying a home, they can often find it difficult to get approval for a mortgage that meets their needs. Here at , we are often approached …
The Term “Base Rate” Has Been Used in the Media to a Significant Extent in Recent Months Most people in are aware of the term “base rate”, but not all of them are aware of what it actually means. Yet, the term has been used in the media to a significant extent in recent months, …
Is There Anyone Alive Today Who Hasn’t Heard of the Climate Crisis? If there’s one thing that most people can agree on, it’s that society is becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect our environment. There can scarcely be anyone alive today who hasn’t heard of the climate crisis, and who hasn’t considered how …
Many homebuyers in now prefer to buy a new-build home thanks to the many benefits that they bring. Purchasing a property that has never been lived in before may give you the opportunity to really make the place your own, but it can also come with some potential pitfalls, not least of which are delays …