Buy To Let Mortgage Articles

Bank Or Mortgage Broker – Which Is Best?

Many prospective homeowners in believe that it’s a good idea to give mortgage brokers a wide berth when trying to secure the right mortgage deal for them, primarily due to the costs associated with their use. However, it’s important to remember that a team of skilled mortgage brokers, like ours at , have the knowledge

What are the Pros and Cons of Buying a New Build Property?

New build properties are worth considering, particularly for first-time buyers, as they can enable you to access certain government support schemes. However, it’s crucial to weigh up the pros and cons of new build properties, as the upsides come with some downsides that you should be aware of. In this article, we will look at

What is an Early Repayment Charge? Do I need to pay this?

If you want to switch to a new mortgage deal or pay off your remaining mortgage after coming into some money, you need to be aware of Early Repayment Charges (ERC) if you are still in a fixed rate period. An early repayment charge may reduce or even negate any financial benefits of remortgaging, so

My Mortgage Broker is “Whole Of Market” What Does This Mean?

When exploring the best way to find a mortgage, you might consider finding a lender yourself or working with a mortgage broker. Online comparison sites give you a way to compare products from different lenders, so mortgage brokers have had to expand their service to do more than simply compile a list of options. Furthermore,

Why do Some Mortgage Brokers Charge a Fee?

One of the main reasons behind this variation in fee structures is that different cases come with varying levels of complexity. A more complicated case will take up more of the broker’s time, while a straightforward case will not come with such a heavy workload. You should always be told about a broker’s fee in

What Should I Know About Remortgaging an Inherited Property?

There are various reasons you may want to remortgage an inherited property. You may wish to raise capital on a property that is no longer mortgaged. Inheriting property can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed as to what you should do, particularly if you are grieving for a lost loved one, so this article is

I’m Self Employed, Can You Help Me Get a Mortgage?

For self employed people, it can be a little more challenging to get a mortgage. You will need to demonstrate that you have a reliable income, and this is far from impossible. There are lots of things you can do to show a mortgage lender that your income is reliable, but you will usually need

What Is a HMO Mortgage?

A house of multiple occupation (HMO) can be a more profitable investment than a standard buy to let. There is lots of demand for them all around the UK, and HMO mortgages can come with attractive rates for landlords to get maximum yields. However, it is crucial to have the most suitable mortgage to get

What is a Regulated Buy To Let Mortgage?

A regulated buy to let mortgage is usually required when you plan to purchase a property in order to rent it out to a family member. It is not uncommon to want to do this, and it can be beneficial to both parties. However, some mortgage lenders will regard this as a risky arrangement, and