Bad Credit Mortgage Articles

What is an Early Repayment Charge? Do I need to pay this?

If you want to switch to a new mortgage deal or pay off your remaining mortgage after coming into some money, you need to be aware of Early Repayment Charges (ERC) if you are still in a fixed rate period. An early repayment charge may reduce or even negate any financial benefits of remortgaging, so

My Mortgage Broker is “Whole Of Market” What Does This Mean?

When exploring the best way to find a mortgage, you might consider finding a lender yourself or working with a mortgage broker. Online comparison sites give you a way to compare products from different lenders, so mortgage brokers have had to expand their service to do more than simply compile a list of options. Furthermore,

Why do Some Mortgage Brokers Charge a Fee?

One of the main reasons behind this variation in fee structures is that different cases come with varying levels of complexity. A more complicated case will take up more of the broker’s time, while a straightforward case will not come with such a heavy workload. You should always be told about a broker’s fee in

Can I get a Mortgage if I Have a CCJ?

Having a County Court Judgement (CCJ) can make it challenging to get a mortgage. Multiple CCJs will make it even more difficult, but there is hope. In recent years, there has been an interest in lenders approving applicants with those types of credit issues, but it is important to approach a lender that is willing

My Mortgage Application Has Been Declined, What Can I do Now?

It is never good news to be told your mortgage has been declined, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your property journey. In this article, we will explore the most common reasons for a mortgage refusal and offer some advice on what you can do next. Remember, this is not personalised mortgage

I’m Self Employed, Can You Help Me Get a Mortgage?

For self employed people, it can be a little more challenging to get a mortgage. You will need to demonstrate that you have a reliable income, and this is far from impossible. There are lots of things you can do to show a mortgage lender that your income is reliable, but you will usually need

Why do I Need an Independent Mortgage Advisor?

Why do i need an independent mortgage advisor

Whether you’re ready to apply for your first mortgage, whether you’re seeking to remortgage an existing property, or whether you’re upgrading to a larger home and need an increased home loan, getting help from an independent mortgage advisor is the best course of action. Independent mortgage advisors provide impartial advice about the different mortgage options

Will Previous Credit Problems Affect My Ability To Get A Mortgage?

Have you automatically assumed that you won’t be offered a mortgage because of your poor credit score? Well, this isn’t always the case. Some lenders will indeed prefer to only lend to people whose credit report is pristine, but having poor credit won’t always disqualify you from getting a mortgage application approved. Adverse credit mortgages

What Will A Lender Look For When Checking Bank Statements?

If you’re making a mortgage application, lenders will want to look at your bank statements. They will use this information to help confirm your salary and help determine whether you can afford to pay your mortgage. Which Information Will Underwriters Look At On My Bank Statement? Any mortgage lender that wants to see bank statements

Is It Important To Check My Credit Report Before I Apply For A Mortgage?

If you’re ready to apply for a mortgage, you may not have thought about checking your credit score before making your application. Yet, this is something that all prospective purchasers should do. Why? Let’s answer that question here. Credit Reports – An Introduction As a mortgage advisor, I am often asked about credit reports, and