Residential Mortgage Articles

What Documents Do I Need To Apply For A Mortgage

When you’re considering purchasing a property, it’s natural to find making the mortgage application quite daunting. There are many forms to complete and lots of information that you must provide. However, if you’re well-prepared, you’ll find the process moves quite smoothly. When you apply for a mortgage, you’ll need to supply the details of your

What Will A Lender Look For When Checking Bank Statements?

If you’re making a mortgage application, lenders will want to look at your bank statements. They will use this information to help confirm your salary and help determine whether you can afford to pay your mortgage. Which Information Will Underwriters Look At On My Bank Statement? Any mortgage lender that wants to see bank statements

Is It Important To Check My Credit Report Before I Apply For A Mortgage?

If you’re ready to apply for a mortgage, you may not have thought about checking your credit score before making your application. Yet, this is something that all prospective purchasers should do. Why? Let’s answer that question here. Credit Reports – An Introduction As a mortgage advisor, I am often asked about credit reports, and

Is It Harder To Get A Mortgage If I Am Self Employed?

There’s a persistent myth that self-employed people are more likely to be rejected for a mortgage. However, this isn’t the case at all. Although in some cases, it may be more challenging to get the mortgage you need, it’s certainly not an impossible feat. Mortgage lenders count you as self-employed if you are the owner

How Much Deposit Do I Need To Buy My Own Home?

The word “deposit” has the power to strike fear into anyone keen to buy a home in . It’s undoubtedly a regularly discussed element of purchasing a property, and it can take years to save up for one, making it one of the most challenging aspects of home buying. So, I am often asked, “how

How Long After Bankruptcy Can I Get A Mortgage?

Lenders consider bankruptcy as a severe form of poor credit, so if you have this on your credit record, you may think you’ll never get a mortgage offer. This, though, is not the case! There are options open to you once your bankruptcy has been discharged. Bankruptcy may indeed cause a serious issue for some

How Do I Choose The Right Type Of Mortgage Repayment Scheme?

If you’re looking for a mortgage in you may be bewildered to discover that there are many kinds of mortgage to choose from. It’s no wonder that picking the right one for you can be so daunting. However, before making a final decision, you must decide which kind of mortgage you want – discounted, tracker,

Do I Need A Permanent Job To Get A Mortgage?

When you have a temporary employment contract or work part-time, you may believe you’ll never be offered a mortgage. However, this isn’t always the case. Many prospective purchasers on temporary or part-time contracts don’t realise that they could potentially get the mortgage that will allow them to get on the property ladder. If these are

Do I Need A Full-Time Job To Get A Mortgage?

Many people believe that they are only entitled to apply for a mortgage if they work full-time, and I am often asked, ‘do I need a full-time job to get a mortgage?’. The answer is no! People who work part-time may also be approved for a mortgage. It’s important to be aware, though, that as